Tuesday, August 19, 2008
school hols!!
hiya! i know that school hols had started since last week, but only today i got the chance to write. well, here it is. school hols. my dad is busy working, my mom is being busy fullfilling all of her friends invts to their house, me stuck at home doing homework, watching tv, huh lamolamolamo. but i made my dad promise me to go shopping in one of these days. so, one more thing, ive been given a task to write an article about minggu al-quds nxt week kat skola. it was fun writing. now i fell like im exposed to the real reality that has been blurred with my own unconciousnous about these kind of things. mayb i should do more researches about it. it made me realize that how our brothers and sisters in iraq, afghanistan and others have no one to stand up for them. but us, here, in malaysia, were busy having fun, making concert here and there, urghh, were just gathering sins instead of good deeds. huh, now its up to us to choose whats write and whats wrong. hey, in the news just now i heard theres a portal where we as young students can express ourselves about the current status quo. i think the website is www.L4T.org.com. so, thats all from me now. choww.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
social problems
problems faced by our teenagers these days, based on pemibimbing rakan sebaya club's research:
1- lepak
3-mat rempit
6-pembuangan bayi
7-seks bebas
8-keruntuhan akhlak
9-black metal
10-banyak lagi untuk dinyatakan di sini, namun dlm kesemua kes ini, bangsa melayu mencatatkan statistik yg tertinggi dan ini tidak melmbangkan imej bangsa melayu yang baik. apa nak jadi sekarang, remaja kita sudah tidak malu lg untuk berzina malah berbangga dengannya. anak-anak luar nikah dibuang begitu sahaja seperti sampah, tergamak mereka. apkah dosa mereka?! renungilah, ambil iktibar dan jadikan pengajaran dalam hidup kita dan berdoa agar tidak terjebak ke dalam lembah zina yang kotor lagi menyesatkan.
1- lepak
3-mat rempit
6-pembuangan bayi
7-seks bebas
8-keruntuhan akhlak
9-black metal
10-banyak lagi untuk dinyatakan di sini, namun dlm kesemua kes ini, bangsa melayu mencatatkan statistik yg tertinggi dan ini tidak melmbangkan imej bangsa melayu yang baik. apa nak jadi sekarang, remaja kita sudah tidak malu lg untuk berzina malah berbangga dengannya. anak-anak luar nikah dibuang begitu sahaja seperti sampah, tergamak mereka. apkah dosa mereka?! renungilah, ambil iktibar dan jadikan pengajaran dalam hidup kita dan berdoa agar tidak terjebak ke dalam lembah zina yang kotor lagi menyesatkan.
mizz ya!

finally my Net is working properly. i cant update my blog coz ive been facing Net brokedown all this time. but nvm, lets hear it. a piece of what happened throughout my life today. nothin much . huhh, om so relieved that DADDY decided to postpone our add math test. i had Biology test today. yeah, it was fun bt confusing. enough of the test thingy. i cant wait till tomorrow coz were goin 2 slaughter or sembelih some cute animals. pathetic but the challenge of doing sth like that its i would nvr thought i would do. tonight, i should be reading history 4 tomorrows test, but i kinda prepared enough to sit for it. this week, the pembimbing rakan sebaya club held a week called 'anda bijak jauhi zina'. it actually promotes us to stay away from sin and such. its a tough thing to do, but i will try my best to be a good Muslimah.hehe. just now, at school we, form 4 students we watched some videos on how teenagers nowadays are living in sins. its frightening actually to see them behaving like that. for couples yang dah em..em..2, how could they just throw away the babies like that. most of them died, only minority of them lived. im so grateful to Allah that my parents do really love me and they didnt throw me away like rubbish. thats basically what happened in my life 2day. well, kinda dull but well my frendz did bring the light in my life. huh, im so lame without them.
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